- Novel Image-Based Methods, Techniques, and Tools for the finely co-ordinated allocation of set of dentures colours and their defined patient-specific production in the specific dental lab DentalFabColour
- Methods and Tools for the Standardization of Imaging Devices StandardImaging
- Multi Time-Series Mining for Medical, Engineering, and Smart Maintenance Purposes in Order to Figure out Critical System Status MultTimeMining
- An Online Data Mining Approach for the Discovery of Process-Oriented Decision Rules for Crop Production DM-in-Agri
- Integration, Management and Processing of Big Data in the Agriculture- Effectual and Efficient Farm Management EFM
- Development of a Rule-Based Decision Support System for Agricultural Enterprises based on Innovative Data Mining Methods DRbDAgri
- Study of the Cognitive Aspects of Human Vision CogVision
- Development of Novel Case-Based Reasoning Methods for On-line Targeting, CBRTar
- Robust Iris Recognition and Iris Diagnosis for Medical and Security Purposes, IRISRecDia
- New Methods and Techniques for Robust Fingerprint Recognition, NewMTFR
- Face Recognition under Different Aspects, FRDA
- Marker Free RAMAN Screening for Molecular Investigation of Biological Interactions, MARAS
- Quantitative Measurement of Dynamic Time Dependent Cellular Events, QuantPro
- Multimedia metadata: bridging the gap from low-level media specific features to high-level domain-specific semantic terms MM-META
- Development of Ontologies for Visual Content and Bridging the gap between Word and Image Processing, OntoVis
- Tracking of Moving Animals in Videos, Animvid
- Automatic Construction of Semantic-Inference Rules for Visual Content, SemCon
- Data Preparation of Web Log Files for Marketing Aspects Analyses, SemLog
- Development of Methods for a Prototype-based Classifier, PROTOCLASS
- Development of a Case-based Object Recognition System CBRRec
- Development of a Conceptual Clustering Method for the Acquisition of Concept Description of Object Shapes ShapeConceptClust
- An Automatic Image Inspection System for the Determination of Harmful Substances in the Air, BIOVISION,Homepage
- Intelligent E-Marketing with Data Mining and User adapted Surfaces, MININT, Project Page
- A Machine Learning System for Automated Cell Image Analysis, LERNBILDZELL, Homepage
- High Performance Computing of a Similarity Based Image Segmentation Algorithm (Determination of the Brain/Liqour Ratio in CT and MRT Images for the Determination of Degenerative Brain Diseases or Alzheimer Disease) HP-ISIS
- Integration of Structural Models in a CBR-Image Segmention Architecture
- Methods and fast recursive algorithms for analysis of radiographic images in technical and medical diagnostics
- Development of a Data Mining Tool
- Lernen von Diagnosewissen für die Lymphknotendiagnostik
- Identification of Customer Profiles with Data Mining
- Mining Lymph Nodule Data for Diagnosis Knowledge
- Identification of the Diagnosis Knowledge for Infection Recognition after Kidney Transplantation with Data Mining
- Identification of the Diagnosis Knowledge for Mammography Image Analysis with Data Mining
- Bestimmung des Brunstverhalten bei Schafen
- Image Data Base for Mammography Images
- Motion Analysis for the Study of Animal Behavior
- Digital Image Processing
- Development of Methods for Image Data Bases
- Development of CBR Methods for Structural Cases
- Case-Based Reasoning for Image Interpretation
- Ermittlung von Diagnosewissen für die Invitro-Fertilisationstherapie mittels Decision Tree Induction
- A methodology for the development of Image Interpretation Systems
- Development of a Knowledge-Based Image Inspection System for Automatic Defect Recognition, Classification and Process Diagnosis in Offset Printing Processes